We made our goal! Thanks to you and your generous donations, we achieved our lofty goal of donating $10,000 to Food Backpacks 4 Kids in Quarter One of 2024! Huge thank you to our community for supporting this wonderful local organization who has a positive impact on so many families!
Interested to learn more about this amazing program, go to the link in comments for their website. They go above and beyond for their community and they are always looking for volunteers and extra help.
Infinity Real Estate is excited to announce the recipients for the The Great Give Back for 2024, 2nd & 3rd quarter.
For every closing, a portion of our commission will be donated to one of these charities. Our clients get to choose which one we will donate to either...
- Kitsap County Search & Rescue Dogs,
- Harbor Hope.
Kitsap County Search & Rescue - Provide trained canine teams in locating missing persons.
Step by Step - Bring hope and health to mothers & babies providing basic necessities, training and crises & emergency help.
Harbor Hope Center - Breaking the cycle of homelessness among Washington’s youth through programs, mentoring and transportation.
The Great Give Back program has already donated
100 bags of clothing & essentials
100’s of volunteer hours
How can you help? There are several options!
>Choose to work with us for your home sale or purchase
>Refer us to your friends
>Provide a monetary donation that we can include in the BIG check we present at the end of Q3.
Giving back is at the heart of everything we do…thank you for playing a crucial role in creating a ripple effect that positively influences our community.
Thank you for all your support!